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Add Celebrity and Add Link
Please immediately e-mail one of the best
pictures available of the celebrity to
I ask you to form the picture 75x75.
I suggest that you do that now, and then as soon as
the picture is sent, fill out this form.
Your link will not be included before I have received the picture!

Your full name:

E-mail Address:

Internet Nickname(Leave blank if none):


Celebrity Information:

Celebrity Name:

Celebrity's date of birth:

Celebrity's place of birth:

Celebrity's gender:

Celebrity's profession:

Now continue filling out information about your page:

The title or your page:

Short description(Max 100 letters):

URL of your page:

I wish to recive an e-mail when this site is offering a new service
or when there have been made a considerable upgrading.

Please immediately e-mail one of the best
pictures available of the celebrity to
(If you haven't done that yet)
I ask you to form the picture 75x75.

Please also go to the "Link to CLN" page after submitting.

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